Promo Codes

  • Only ONE promotional code can be used per transaction.
  • A promo code cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or redeemed against previously placed orders.
  • A discount with a minimum spend applies to goods value only excluding delivery.
  • Quote your promo code at basket page to claim your discount.

How do I use a promotional code?

Please add your code on the basket page where you’ll see the ‘Promotion Code’ box. If it’s valid your discount will be applied - see below.

If you are having issues applying a promotional code, this might be why:

  • You are out of time! That code could have expired now as we run offers for a limited time
  • Trying to use two codes? You can only use one code per order
  • Check for typos. Double check that you have not mistyped the code. And re-type
  • Check you’ve only picked products from the category on offer

If all else fails contact Customer Services.