Pebble Napkin Paperweight


Skill Level


Time to Make

15 mins

Adult Supervision


Pebble Napkin Paperweight

Top Tip

Wipe down stones first to remove any dust or dirt before painting. Practice your design(s) on paper first if a little apprehensive.

How to Make

Pebble Napkin Paperweight
Pebble Napkin Paperweight
Pebble Napkin Paperweight
  1. Mix blue, green and white paint to get a turquoise colour. Paint the stone, giving it good coverage. It will need two coats of paint, but allow paint to dry between coats.
  2. Stick 5 mini shells together at point with only a small dab of glue. They should form a circle and look like a flower. Paint your design on stone and allow to dry.
  3. Paint on a thin layer of satin varnish to the stone.
  4. When the varnish has dried, stick shell decoration in the centre.