Monochrome Polymer Clay Jewellery


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Monochrome Polymer Clay Jewellery

Top Tip

A cutter blade designed for polymer clay is ideal for slicing through stacked layers and gives the best results. If you use a craft knife, always cut straight down through the clay in one movement so the blade doesn’t drag.

How to Make

Monochrome Polymer Clay Jewellery
Monochrome Polymer Clay Jewellery
Monochrome Polymer Clay Jewellery
  1. Cut a block of white clay and a block of black clay in half. Flatten each piece of clay with a rolling pin to approximately 5cm x 5xm then place one colour on top of the other.
  2. Roll over the 2 layers in both directions to approximately 6cm x 6cm. Roll smoothly and evenly so the clay becomes thinner. The corners can be gently pulled out to help shape the clay. Trim along the edges with a blade to make a neat shape.
  3. Cut the square in half widthways and then lengthways to make 4 quarter sections then stack the 4 pieces on top of each other. Gently roll over the top so the layers are pressed together.
  4. Very carefully slice off a 4-5mm wide strip from the side of the stack then carefully place it onto your tile or tray with the striped side facing upwards. If the first slice is uneven or wobbly, discard it and use the next slice as the first one. Repeat to make 4 or 5 more slices in the same way. Press the strips alongside each other into a striped pattern then roll over the surface, rolling in the direction of the stripes so they stay as straight as possible. Roll the clay to about 3mm thick. If you prefer, roll across the stripes for a distorted effect.
  5. Use a small cutter or a blade to cut out a shape for your design. Make a small hole near the edge with a cocktail stick.
  6. Bake the clay at 135C following instructions on the packaging. Allow the clay to fully to cool before handling. Attach jewellery findings to finish your designs.
Note: There are lots of ways to make different polymer clay stripes: Experiment with thinner and thicker layers. Add wider strips of black or white next to thin stripes, or add some colours. Try flattening left over trimmed pieces for a blended or marbled effect.