Harvest Mouse Mirror Decoration


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Harvest Mouse Mirror Decoration

Top Tip

Apply glue to the twine, shape it into a curl and leave to stiffen on a suitable surface.

How to Make

Harvest Mouse Mirror Decoration
Harvest Mouse Mirror Decoration
Harvest Mouse Mirror Decoration
  1. Choose eight short bamboo sticks and glue them together to make a rectangle, then allow to dry.
  2. Cut a piece of silver card to the correct fit and glue it to the back of the bamboo frame to make your mirror, then allow to dry.
  3. Choose a large button with two holes that will be the eyes of the mouse and glue on two smaller buttons to make the ears. When dry, stick the face to the top of a circular branch offcut. Allow to dry.
  4. To make the tail, cut a piece of jute twine approximately 10cms long. Apply glue to the twine, shape it into a curl, and leave to stiffen on a suitable surface (not paper). When completely dry, glue your tail to the back of the circular branch offcut to finish your mouse.
  5. Colour flower and leaf wooden shapes with deco paint pens and glue to the frame with your mouse. Allow to dry.
  6. Cut a piece of jute twine 13cms long and glue to the back of the frame for beautiful mirror decoration.