Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace


Skill Level

Beginner, Intermediate

Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Top Tip

When designing your Easter charms, remember to make them larger than you want the final size to be! Shrinking plastic reduces in size as it bakes, so your designs will become about 3-4 times smaller after heating. For best results, use bold colours and thicker lines to ensure the details stay sharp when shrunk!

How to Make

Step 1

Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Lay the shrink plastic over the template and tape into place if needed. Colour in the shrink charm using deco pens on the rough side.

Step 2

Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Cut out the charm and shrink according to the instructions.

Step 3

Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Cut a length of elastic and attach one side of the safety breakaway clasp, then thread the pony beads on.

Step 4

Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Add pearls and continue until you reach your desired length, then finish with the other side of the safety clasp

Step 5

Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Varnish and sprinkle the charm in glitter.

Step 6

Easter Shrinky Charm Necklace

Add a pearl tail and then leave to dry. When this has been achieved, attach the charm to your necklace.