Top Tip
These elephants look great any time of year. Try making a whole herd of them to hang down the side of a window.
How to Make

- Cut an elephant shape from grey foam. Cut out an ear shape and then a tusk from white foam. Fix these onto the head with double sided tape and add a small wiggle-eye (see template).
- Fix two short pieces of ribbon to the head and back of the elephant. Cut out a headdress and saddle shape from red sticky foam and cover the ends of the ribbon. Make sure all the pieces fit together neatly.
- Draw a semi-circle using a plate onto a 20cm by 8cm rectangle of foam then cut out. Fix a loop of ribbon to the curve with double sided tape and cover the ends with a curved shape cut out from a glitter sheet. Fix the elephant's ribbons to the semi-circle and cover with strips of sticky foam.
- Add a foam paisley shape to the saddle. Decorate the paisley, the edges of the saddle and the headdress using glitter pens.. Add glitter foam letters to the top of the decoration and add more sparkle with the pens.
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