Magic E Clock


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Magic E Clock

Top Tip

Keep the spinner free to make it easier for children to move and grip themselves. For older children, pop in a split-pin to keep it in place.

How to Make

  1. Choose how many words you'd like to feature around your clock, or use our picture as a guide. Cut strips of equal-sized rectangular trips to fit the words from self-adhesive foam.
  2. Spell out each word minus the 'e' onto a foam strip using self-adhesive letters. Once each strip has an incomplete word stuck into it, arrange them around the outside of the plate using our picture as a guide. you need to make sure they are arranged in the correct way so that when you add the 'e' spinner it will complete each word.
  3. Cut a pointer from foam and measure the space from the centre-point of the plate to the words around the edges so that the pointer is the right size. Stick an 'e' letter onto one end using our picture as a guide ensuring it's the right end of the pointer so that when you spin it, the 'e' completes all of the words.