Skill Level
Time to Make
1 hour
Adult Supervision
Top Tip
Mix your skin tone paints with a small amount of white deco paint to thicken and to also match the shade you need.
How to Make
- Firstly paint your peg dolls and your keepsake boxes white to help the coloured paint stay vivid.
- Once the white is dry, paint your box in your chosen colours and leave to dry. You may need to do two coats for even coverage.
- Decorate your wooden people in your chosen colours and design, using skin tone and deco paint. We made spots and flowers by using the end of a paintbrush to dab small neat circles.
- Add your facial features using a pen for the nose, mouth and ears. Using the same trick with the end of the paintbrush to add the eyes. (white first and then black when dry)
- For shoulder length pipe cleaner hair just lay across the head and work your way back in a rainbow pattern. For a ponytail glue two strands from the back of the neck and paint the rest. We used a glue gun to keep in place but any other liquid glue could work but with more drying time.
- Add six flowers onto front of your keepsake box alternating the colours, and 3 on the inside of your box.
- Now add your message or names on your box using your chosen colours. We mixed up ours using two colours. Place your people inside and admire your beautiful work!
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