Seed Tray Markers


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Seed Tray Markers

Top Tip

Try making other designs using the photos as a guide.

How to Make

Seed Tray Markers
Seed Tray Markers
Seed Tray Markers
  1. Glue two sticks together at the ends to make one long stick. Cut a rectangle of green self-adhesive foam 9.5cm by 3.5cm and fix over the join.
  2. Cut another piece of green foam the same size and apply directly over the back of the first piece, sandwiching the stick in between. Stick on foam letters to spell out a favourite vegetable.
  3. Draw a 5cm diameter circle onto black sticky foam and add a ladybird's head shaped bump to the top before cutting the shape out.
  4. Stick on two red wing shapes cut from sticky foam and add a symmetrical pattern of dots to them, using a hole punch to make the tiny circles. Add wiggle-eyes to the head.
  5. Before you remove the backing paper from your ladybird, draw around it onto a piece of green sticky foam and cut out a matching shape.
  6. Stick the green shape to the back of the stick and place the ladybird directly over the top to hold in place.