Pot Of Gold Rainbow Hanging Decoration


Skill Level


Time to Make

15 mins

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Pot Of Gold Rainbow Hanging Decoration

Top Tip

You can use a peg to hold each chain in place while it dries.

How to Make

Pot Of Gold Rainbow Hanging Decoration
Pot Of Gold Rainbow Hanging Decoration
Pot Of Gold Rainbow Hanging Decoration
  1. First print off the template and cut out the pieces out of coloured card. Using super tacky glue cover the gold pieces in glue and then glitter them.
  2. Cut out strips of card one for each colour of the rainbow using the template. Loop the purple strip through the handle of the pot of gold and then work up the rainbow with red at the top. use glue to secure each chain.
  3. When the glittered gold is dry stick it into your pot of gold and add a few coins falling out.