Top Tip
You can create dark and light green shamrocks using different shades of green paint.
How to Make
- Fill up a cup/container with ¼ of water. Add 2 big squirts of green paint and a smaller squirt of blue paint to make the green darker. Add a generous squirt of washing-up liquid and mix together.
- Place your straw into the paint mixture and blow to create bubbles.
- Place your watercolour paper onto the bubbles and repeat to fill the page.
- When the paint is dry, use the template to draw and cut out the shamrock shapes from the green bubble paper.
- Punch two holes at the top of the shamrock using a hole punch.
- Outline the shamrock shapes with green glitter glue.
- When the glitter glue is dry, thread the shamrocks onto green wool to create the bunting.
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