Pastel Unicorn T-Shirt


Skill Level


Time to Make

15 mins

Adult Supervision


Pastel Unicorn T-Shirt

Top Tip

You could even personalise your Unicorn T-shirt by painting your name!

How to Make

Pastel Unicorn T-Shirt
Pastel Unicorn T-Shirt
Pastel Unicorn T-Shirt
  1. Firstly, place a larger unicorn stencil near the centre of the t-shirt.
  2. Use one hand to hold down the stencil or use some masking tape. With the other hand, dab your chose colour of fabric paint onto the area you wish to colour.
  3. Peel the stencil off to reveal the unicorn design.
  4. Then repeat and fill the space around the unicorn with the unicorn stencils and unicorn foam stampers. For the stampers, apply the paint to the stamper with a brush and remember to press down evenly to create the print.