Skill Level
Time to Make
30 mins
Adult Supervision
Top Tip
Foam plaits really well. Try making coloured wristbands secured with velcro tape.
How to Make
- Cut a piece of yellow foam into a rectangle, 3cm by 21cm. Cut along the length into three equal strips - use a pencil and ruler to mark out if you want - leaving 1cm uncut at one end.
- Make the three strips into a neat plait by crossing one strip over the other - left over right, right over left, and so on. Make sure the plait is not too tight or it will curl up. Secure the ends of the plait with double sided tape.
- Fix a narrow piece of self-adhesive foam onto the back of the plait to help keep it flat. Use double sided tape to stick three orange foam leaf shapes to the tops of the plaited strips.
- Turn the bookmark over and layer lots of small orange sticky foam triangles onto the leaf shapes to make them look like ears of corn.
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