French Knitting Flower Brooch


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


French Knitting Flower Brooch

Top Tip

To hide the ends of the wool, thread your needle and insert into the French knitting strand, pull it through and snip off and the end will be hidden inside.

How to Make

French Knitting Flower Brooch
French Knitting Flower Brooch
French Knitting Flower Brooch
  1. Use the French knitting guide to cast on and make a strand 15cms long in your colour choice, then cast off. Repeat this to make five strands.
  2. Sew the ends of each strand together to make five petals. Pull the loose ends inside the strands with your needle to hide them.
  3. French knit a strand in your colour choice 18cms long for the centre of the flower. Then, make a spiral shape and sew it at the back to secure its shape.
  4. Sew your petals together and then sew on the centre of the flower.
  5. Turn your flower over and sew the badge pin to the back. (You can remove the self-adhesive foam and use the holes on the badge pin to attach.) Pull the loose ends inside the strands with your needle to hide them and finish your brooch.