Crazy Egg Chick


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Crazy Egg Chick

Top Tip

Try making crazy chicks for all your friends. Use their favourite colours in your designs.

How to Make

Crazy Egg Chick
Crazy Egg Chick
Crazy Egg Chick
  1. First of all, use a black marker pen to draw a geometric pattern on the egg - we've drawn on a line and a zig zag at each end.
  2. Using yellow and red poster paint sticks colour in the egg, and leave to dry.
  3. Next, carefully cut out a heart shape from foam for the feet, and glue to the base of the egg. Leave to dry.
  4. Finally add wiggle-eyes, a pom pom nose, and a feather on top (you may need to ask an adult to help you poke it in). Don't forget to paint in a smile on your crazy chick.