Garden Fairy House


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Garden Fairy House

Top Tip

Select thinner bark squares to use for constructing the roof, as these are easier to cut. If there are any gaps on the roof, glue a thin twig or add some moss to fill in between the bark sections.

How to Make

Garden Fairy House
Garden Fairy House
Garden Fairy House
  1. Sponge porcelain paint over a ceramic plant pot and leave to dry. Follow the instructions for oven baking paint to make it waterproof.
  2. To make the base for the roof, draw a 7cm diameter circle in the middle of the piece of bark on the smooth side. Draw around the lid of a jar or use as compass. Mark the middle point of the circle then divide it into 6 equal sections with a ruler. Rule 6 lines around the edge of the circle to make a hexagon then cut it out.
  3. For the top of the roof, cut 6 x bark triangles. Make each triangle 3cm wide at the base and 8cm high. Use a glue gun to stick the triangles around the edge of the bark hexagon. Glue the triangles one at a time so they form a cone shape.
  4. When the plant pot paint has been set and cooled use plenty glue to stick the roof onto the upturned pot. Glue small branch chips around the edge of the roof.
  5. Select a larger sized branch chip for the door and 2 smaller chips for windows. Paint and leave to dry then glue onto the pot. Position the door above the rim of the pot, leaving some space underneath.
  6. Glue small branch chips around the base of the pot. Glue 4 or 5 bark chips into a stack for the steps with a couple of chips underneath the steps for support. Either fix the steps to the pot with glue, or leave unstuck so they can be positioned in a garden setting.