Fish Scale Word Jumble


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Fish Scale Word Jumble

Top Tip

Give the glitter pen a good shake and make sure you test it properly before starting to outline the scales. If you get any smudges or bubbles simply use a damp cotton bud to wipe it away while it's still wet.

How to Make

  1. Draw a fish shape onto white A3 paper and cut out, using the picture as a guide. Draw a curve at the front to define the face, then draw on scales across the body as shown then make sure that each scale is big enough to fit the adhesive letters you're going to use. Don't worry about making them all the same size or extremely neat as you can tidy them up later.
  2. Colour the face and the tail in yellow pen. Then start colouring the scales in different colours. There's no real pattern here we just alternated the colours to make it look interesting. Once the scales have been coloured, take a silver glitter pen and, testing it out on scrap paper first until you have a steady, easy-to-control flow, start outlining each scale.
  3. Continued until all scales are outlined then outline the actual fish body as well. Leave to dry - this may take a few hours. Once dry, start sticking white self-adhesive foam letters onto the scales in a jumble, as shown.
  4. Finish by outlining the face with a strip of blue self-adhesive gems and adding a single wiggle eye. Glue the finished fish to an A3 sheet of blue paper and you're ready to go!