Retro Fuse Bead Puzzle Cube


Skill Level

Intermediate, Advanced

Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Retro Fuse Bead Puzzle Cube

Top Tip

You could leave one piece off and use it as a pot for a pot plant or pencils.

How to Make

Retro Fuse Bead Puzzle Cube
Retro Fuse Bead Puzzle Cube
Retro Fuse Bead Puzzle Cube
  1. Print off the template.
  2. Take the square peg board and fill it according to the printable.
  3. Iron each square by placing the grease proof paper over the beads and ironing on top until you can see the beads joining.
  4. Let the pieces cool.
  5. Once they are cool join then corner to corner to form a cube using a glue gun and leave to set.
  6. Colour in the glue gun glue black.