Pop Up Castle

Construct a pop-up castle scene where Saint George takes on the dragon in an epic battle! It’s a dynamic and imaginative project that brings this legendary tale to life.

Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Pop Up Castle

Top Tip

As you stick the castle parts on make sure that when the card folds the castle parts fold in along the folds.

How to Make

Step 1

Pop Up Castle

Fold a piece of A4 blue card in half. Create some grass long the bottom with green card. Print out the template onto sand coloured card and cut out the castle parts. Fold along the lines.

Step 2

Pop Up Castle

Cut out the sections. Stick the biggest castle part making sure the centre folds align and then the other smaller parts at right angles to the centre part

Step 3

Pop Up Castle

Draw some clouds and stick on the knight and dragon stickers Draw the castle windows and doors