Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom


Skill Level

Intermediate, Advanced

Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Top Tip

When choosing a good tree branch, try and select one with multiple branches for maximum effect.

How to Make

Step 1

Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Take a pink pipe cleaner and hold it horizontally. Create five arches, leaving a few centimetres of stalk at one end.

Step 2

Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Twist each pipe cleaner arch into five petals.

Step 3

Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Cut half a pipe cleaner with just three arches out of yellow.

Step 4

Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Wrap the yellow into the centre of the pink.

Step 5

Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Use the leftover stalk to then wrap the pipe cleaner onto the tree branch.

Step 6

Pipe Cleaner Cherry Blossom

Add green leaves using the same method.