Mermaid Shell Tiara


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Mermaid Shell Tiara

Top Tip

If the big shells feel wobbly after sticking them to the hair band, add some more glue around the back to fix them securely in place. To make small, flat shaped shells easier to stick, glue a small piece of scrunched up tissue paper inside to will increase the surface area for adding the glue.

How to Make

Mermaid Shell Tiara
Mermaid Shell Tiara
Mermaid Shell Tiara
  1. Lightly rub sandpaper over a plastic hairband. This makes the surface less shiny and easier to paint.
  2. Sponge pearlised paint over the top of the hairband and leave to dry. Lightly paint a scallop and some conch shells with pearlised paint. Leave them to dry. Paint the underside of the hair band and add another coat of paint over the top if it needs another layer. Leave to dry.
  3. Put a roll of kitchen towel inside a plastic bag then position the hairband over the top to hold it upright. Mark the halfway point on the top of the band in pencil then stick a scallop shell in the middle using a glue gun. Hold the shell in position while the glue sets. Glue conch shells on either side of the hairband.
  4. Squeeze glue around the bases of the shells at the front of the hairband, and fill with small shells. Cover small areas with glue, adding 3 or 4 shells at a time. Glue some more shells along the sides of the hairband.
  5. Glue sparkly gems to decorate the hairband. If there are any areas with hardened glue showing, lightly brush over the top with paint.