Marionette Reindeer


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Marionette Reindeer

Top Tip

Try creating different marionettes using old cardboard tubes for a variety of fun characters to play with.

How to Make

Step 1

Marionette Reindeer

Cut a cardboard tube into a body and a smaller head.

Step 2

Marionette Reindeer

Paint the parts brown with spots for the reindeer’s markings.

Step 3

Marionette Reindeer

Poke holes into the tubes using a pencil, one at the top of the head and the underside of the head, and one at the bottom of the body and at the neck. Add another four underneath where the legs will go.

Step 4

Marionette Reindeer

Paint 4 straws and when dry, cut them into sections, two for each leg and a little one for the neck.

Step 5

Marionette Reindeer

Cut 4 circles of glitter card and poke a hole in the centre of each, then thread the string through and thread on each leg go through the leg hole and up through the centre. Once you have threaded the puppet like the photos show, make a cross from wooden craft sticks, tie the string to the front and back sticks and bells to the side sticks.

Step 6

Marionette Reindeer

To finish, use the template and cut out some sparkling antlers and a nose and stick these on along with some wiggle eyes.