Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

Create these clever 3D stars out of fuse beads to decorate your tree this Christmas. You can choose from a wide range of colours to match your décor too. Creating these 3D star decorations is a fun and creative craft that can add a touch of handmade charm to any room.

Skill Level


Time to Make

15 mins

Adult Supervision


Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations
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Top Tip

Ask an adult to help with the ironing as it will be hot!

How to Make

Step 1

Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

Take the star peg board and begin to fill in the star using the colours of your choices. You will need two identical stars for each 3D star.

Step 2

Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

Continue to fill the star, making sure you leave a bead out for the hanging hole and a line from the centre to the edge so that the stars slot together.

Step 3

Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

Iron the design as per instructions.

Step 4

Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

Peel off the paper and then the star. Leave until cold on a flat surface.

Step 5

Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

When cool, slot the two stars together.

Step 6

Fuse Bead 3D Star Decorations

To finish, thread a ribbon into one of the holes.