Easter Wreath

Transform plastic eggs into pretty pastel-coloured decorations for an Easter wreath to hang on a door, window, or wall. This delightful wreath adds a festive touch to your home, featuring a charming arrangement of eggs and springtime accents.

Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Easter Wreath
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Top Tip

Its easier to work on the eggs if they sit on something, a small cardboard tube cut into short sections works well for this and stops them rolling around.

How to Make

Step 1

Easter Wreath

Cut 3 x 150cm lengths of coloured raffia in 3 different colours. Hold the ends together and wrap the raffia around the wreath , weaving it in and out until you have gone all the way round. Tie the ends in a knot next to wreath then make another knot about 10cm along so you have a loop to hang it up.

Step 2

Easter Wreath

Push together the halves for 3 plastic eggs and check they are securely fitted. Brush over the eggs with glue, then cover with a layer of tissue paper. Circle shapes are easiest for covering the eggs; you'll need 3 small tissue circles for each egg. Smooth out any crinkles in the tissue as much as possible. Leave to dry. Mix together small amounts of a colour with white paint to make pastel shades then paint the eggs. Add a second coat so the tissue layer is completely covered. Leave to dry then paint a pattern with a brush or cotton bud. Leave to dry.

Step 3

Easter Wreath

Wrap raffia around the middle of each egg, tie a knot then trim off the ends. Stick a small flower onto the eggs. Prop the wreath up against a vertical surface then stick the eggs at the bottom using plenty glue, a glue gun or strong adhesive is the best way to do this. Finish the wreath with some satin flowers around the top.