Doily Fairy


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Doily Fairy

Top Tip

Cover the peg in EV793 ready mixed skin tone paint to create a different skin tone for the fairy.

How to Make

Doily Fairy
Doily Fairy
Doily Fairy
  1. Take a pink paper doily and cut it in half. Then wrap this around the wooden dolly peg and glue in place at the back to create the dress.
  2. Cut a light pink doily in half and fold each half twice to create the two fairy wings. Make sure the white side is facing outwards if you want white wings.
  3. Glue the two fairy wings to the back of the wooden peg doll.
  4. Cut a length of yellow pipe cleaner (or another colour of your choice) approximately three inches long, and wrap it over the head to create the hair. Glue the pipe cleaner onto the head.
  5. Use a black pen to draw the face onto the front of the wooden peg 'head'.
  6. Use a pink pen to colour in the two ends of the wooden peg to create the fairy's shoes.