Cupcake Case Carnations


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Cupcake Case Carnations

Top Tip

Wait for the glue to dry before picking up the flower by its stem as the tissue paper will rip.

How to Make

Step 1

Cupcake Case Carnations

Begin by scrunching the base of the cupcake case and stick the centre of each cupcake case to the polystyrene ball to create texture. Repeat this until the polystyrene ball is halfway full.

Step 2

Cupcake Case Carnations

Cover the other half of the polystyrene ball with green tissue paper.

Step 3

Cupcake Case Carnations

Next, create three small slits at the top of a paper straw.

Step 4

Cupcake Case Carnations

Cover the paper straw in green tissue paper to create the stalk.

Step 5

Cupcake Case Carnations

Stick the paper straw to the bottom of the flower.

Step 6

Cupcake Case Carnations

To finish, further secure the paper straw in place and then stick green tissue paper over the join of the paper straw and polystyrene ball.