Top Tip
You can use a hole punch to create the small circles for the medals and eyes.
How to Make

- Draw and cut out 8 rectangles, approximately 5cm x 25cm. You should have 1 skin tone, 5 black, and 2 green rectangles.
- Form a loop from the skin tone rectangle by sticking both ends together with double sided tape (you can also use super tacky glue).
- Place the second strip of through the previous loop and continue with the sequence of colours. You should have 1 skin tone loop, 4 black loops, 2 green loops followed by 1 black loop to finish the base of the body.
- Download and print off the templates provided then cut out the individual shapes.
- Draw around the templates onto card and cut them out. You will need yellow card for the crown, belt buckle and medals, red card for the gems and 1 medal, white card for the hair and eyes, black card for the eyes, skin tone card for the ears, blue card for 1 medal and orange card for 1 medal and the belt.
- For the crown stick a red circle onto each point.
- For the eyes layer a smaller black circle on top of a larger white circle, and then stick a small white circle on top. For the small white circle, you can use the template or a hole punch.
- Stick the hair, ears, eyes, and crown to the head. The ears can be stuck on the inside of the loop using the small tabs.
- Paint a smile and rosy cheeks to complete the face.
- For the medals stick the small red, blue, and orange rectangles next to each other onto black card and cut around the shape using scissors. Stick a yellow circle onto each stripe (the yellow circles can be cut out using the template or a hole punch).
- Stick the medals to the second black loop.
- For the belt, stick the orange rectangle to fourth black loop. Then layer the yellow belt buckle on top and layer the smaller, rounded, orange shape on top.
- Cut a length of ribbon and loop it through the top of the paper chain.
- Hang your paper chain from the walls or ceiling and enjoy.
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