Top Tip
Try making this bunny in different Easter colours.
How to Make
Step 1
Unscrew the lid of the jar and begin painting the lid yellow and allow to dry. Using the template draw and cut around the ears, face, paws, and teeth from yellow card.
Step 2
Cut out the nose and inner ears from pink card. Stick the pink, inner ear onto the yellow ear using double-sided tape. Stick the nose to the muzzle of the bunny. On either side of the nose draw 3 dots using a white deco pen. For the teeth use a white deco pen to colour in the small, yellow rectangle card, (you can also use the white paper from printing out the template to create the teeth). When the pen is dry draw a black line down the centre of the rectangle and stick to the back of the bunny’s muzzle using double-sided tape. For the whiskers cut out 6 thin strips from yellow card and stick 3 whiskers to either side muzzle. For the paws, draw a large oval shape and 3 dots above using a white deco pen. Begin to assemble the bunny by sticking the assembled muzzle, ears, paws, and wiggle eyes to the jar.
Step 3
You can stick a white pompom to the back of the bunny for the tail. To finish, fill the jar with your jar with your favourite Easter treats.
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