Beads and Buttons Sensory Bag


Skill Level


Time to Make

15 mins

Adult Supervision


Beads and Buttons Sensory Bag

Top Tip

If you want the gel to have a colour, try using a coloured hair gel or adding food colouring.

How to Make

Beads and Buttons Sensory Bag
Beads and Buttons Sensory Bag
Beads and Buttons Sensory Bag
  1. If you want to remove the label/text from the front of the bag, pour a little nail varnish remover onto a cotton pad and simply rub it off.
  2. Add some hair gel into the bag. Add enough so that, once the gel is spread out, a thin layer covers the whole of the inside of the bag.
  3. Add some buttons into the bag. Try adding buttons of different sizes and contrasting colours.
  4. Pour some beads into the bag.
  5. Close the zip, then spread out the beads and buttons. You can add more if you need to.
  6. Add white tape to the edges of the bag.