Beaded Pipe Cleaner Icicle Decorations


Skill Level


Time to Make

15 mins

Adult Supervision


Beaded Pipe Cleaner Icicle Decorations

Top Tip

You can connect pipe cleaners together to make longer icicles.

How to Make

Beaded Pipe Cleaner Icicle Decorations
Beaded Pipe Cleaner Icicle Decorations
Beaded Pipe Cleaner Icicle Decorations
  1. Begin by threading various winter-coloured beads onto the tinsel pipe cleaner. Remember to leave space between some of the beads to let the tinsel pipe cleaner show through.
  2. Thread a diamond bead onto one end of the pipe cleaner, then twist the pipe cleaner to make sure the bead stays in place.
  3. Wrap the beaded pipe cleaner around a pencil to create a spiral shape.
  4. Pull and manipulate the top of the pipe cleaner spiral so that the spiral is wider at the top.
  5. To finish, you can hang the icicles by folding them over the top of the pipe cleaner to create a hook.